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Legislative Update

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Laws Affecting Tenants are Changing September 1st, 2019 Important updates are coming in Texas tenant law on September 1, 2019, that you should be aware of if you are a renter in the Lone Star State. Section 92.011 of the Texas Property Code has, been amended as you can see, in part, below. We’ve included…

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How to Avoid Sending Your Loved Ones (and Assets) through Probate

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Many people today are using a revocable living trust instead of a will or joint ownership as the foundation of their estate plan. When properly prepared, a living trust will avoid the public, costly and time-consuming court processes of conservatorship or guardianship (due to incapacity) or probate (after death). Still, many people make a big…

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HELP! This Probate Is Taking Forever!

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After a loved one dies, his or her estate must be settled. While most people want the settlement process to be done ASAP, probate can take between 18 and 24 months. Yes, you heard that right. The time delays create unnecessary stress. 5 Reasons Probate Takes So Long There are many reasons why probating a…

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Why a Trust Is the Best Option for Avoiding Probate

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As Ambrose Bierce once darkly observed, “Death is not the end. There remains the litigation over the estate.” Obviously, ideally, when someone passes away, the paperwork and material concerns associated with the estate are so flawlessly handled (thanks to excellent preparation) that they fade into the background, allowing the family to grieve and remember in…

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Revocable Trust vs. Irrevocable Trust: Which Is Best for You?

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Trusts allow you to avoid probate, minimize taxes, provide organization, maintain control, and provide for yourself and your heirs. In its most simple terms, a trust is a book of instructions wherein you tell your people what to do, when. While there are many types of trusts, the major distinction between trusts is whether they…

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