Legal Resources

Advice & Guidance

providing clarity for our clients

MacGeorge Law Firm serves the Austin and Houston communities and has a focus in civil litigation - specifically, landlord & tenant law and estate planning. The following advice is intended to be generally helpful for anyone. Remember, however, that not all advice fits every situation, and we therefore strongly encourage you to seek the counsel of an experienced firm attorney for information on all your legal questions.

Estate planning is not only for the elderly or rich. Every adult should have an estate plan specifying what should happen to their property when they pass away. While most people prefer not to think too far ahead, death is a reality that is, for most of us, unplanned. It is much better to draw up your own will and testament than to rely on what the law has in store for everyone who did not take the time to do so. If you have a spouse and/or children, it is especially important for you to have a will to ensure they are properly taken care of once you have moved on.

Public Inquiries

MacGeorge Law Firm regularly answers legal questions asked on, an online marketplace for legal services. See the following for some of our responses.

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At MacGeorge Law Firm, our utmost priority is to support and represent the individuals & businesses in the Austin and Houston community. No case is too big or too small for our superior team of legal professionals. We are happy to take on any civil case, ranging from estate planning to a deceptive trade practices claim against a major corporation. We guarantee that we will not stop working on your behalf until we are satisfied that we have done absolutely everything in our power to bring a resolution to your case.

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